The 5 Latest Beauty and Wellness Crazes to Capture Sydney’s Attention

CRYO, Edgecliff
Sydney Float Centre, Sydney

Sydneyis a mecca for the holistic enthusiast, home to a population renowned for beingas dedicated to a morning yoga session as it is to a turmeric latte. But apenchant for health goes far beyond clean eating here – there’s a focus onfinding the latest and greatest in the pursuit of living the wellbeing dream.It’s safe to say that Sydney is now home to some of the most innovative inholistic crazes, so here are the latest.


Justlike an ice pack eases inflammation, cryotherapy uses extreme cold to treathealth and beauty complaints. Not for the faint of heart (or the claustrophobicfor that matter) treatment sees you sit in an icy chamber that reachestemperatures of -140°c for a few minutes. But why? Well the body’snatural response to extreme cold is to increase blood flow to internal organs,boosting circulation and aiding in everything from injury to anti-ageing andweight loss.


226 New South Head Road, Edgecliff

Polar Bare Club Cryotherapy

368 Oxford Street, Bondi Junction


Thecreation of neurophysicist Dr John C Lilly, flotation therapy sees the eagerlie in a specially designed tank filled with 1000 litres of water and 600kg ofEpsom salt. The process limits all surrounding activity and reduces the senses,resulting in a forced (though no less relaxing) meditation that is thought toreduce both pain and stress in the body. Sydney Float Centre is one of the mostwell-known options in the city and is 50 percent larger than your average tank.

Sydney Float Centre

66 Riley Street, Darlinghurst

Warringah Mall, Level 2, 1A Cross Street, Brookvale

Forever Floating Health Spa

50 Oxford Street, Paddington

The Infrared Sauna

This high-tech sauna is a far cry from the traditional, it is heated by metallic or ceramic elements that emit infrared energy at the same time. Infrared is believed to penetrate deeper into the body, yielding greater results in detoxification that include improving circulation, enhancing immunity, destroying microbes and healing infection.

Nimbus & Co

97 Bondi Road, Bondi Beach

Health Space

2/33 Bayswater Road, Potts Point


Spiritualpractice Reiki is gaining ground Sydney-side. Formed by a Japanese buddhistmonk, reiki is a healing tool that focuses on both the spirit and mind. Thehands-on sessions are increasingly used to complement orthodox medicinetreatments, but is a particular favourite of those burdened with stress oranxiety issues. Reiki practitioners remain few and far between in the harbourcity, but there are a handful of specialists spread throughout Sydney’ssuburbs.

The Buddha Bar Healing Clinic

434 King Street, Newtown

Samantha Avery

2/146 Wycombe Road, Neutral Bay


Vedic could really be called ‘meditation for themodern age’. Not a monastic practice, vedic was developed 5,000 years ago inIndia for those with busy minds and busy lives. The perfect way to find Zen forthe multitasking millennial, the practice requires sitting comfortably in achair with eyes closed while the mind is allowed to settle through the use of amantra – it’s essentially about not trying at all. Drop-in group sessions forvedic meditation are held regularly throughout Sydney but most practitionersencourage a course is undertaken first, which are now widely available as vedicmeditation has formed a strong foothold across Sydney’s wellness space.

Bondi Mediation Centre

28 Moore Street, Bondi

The Broad Place

8 Soudan Lane, Paddington

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